We deliver advanced ICT services for science, research, and education. As pioneers of the first academic networks nearly 30 years ago, we maintain them to this day, ensure secure access, and provide robust environments for data storage, high-performance computing, and team collaboration. Our members include public universities and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

  • Clock icon 5. December 2024News

    Vědci z CESNETu publikovali unikátní datovou sadu v časopise Nature Scientific Data

    Výzkumníci z Oddělení nástrojů pro administraci a bezpečnost sdružení CESNET vytvořili a publikovali datovou sadu, která je cenným nástrojem pro pochopení dynamických změn v síťovém provozu. Tato unikátní datová sada představuje zásadní krok v řešení kybernetických hrozeb a svou jedinečností si vysloužila publikaci v prestižním časopise Nature Scientific Data.

  • Clock icon 4. December 2024News

    Gratulujeme startupu Dynanic k zisku investice

    Brněnský startup Dynanic (dříve BrnoLogic), který vyrostl z akademického a výzkumného prostředí sdružení CESNET a VUT v Brně, nedávno získal investici 14 milionů korun od pražského fondu Tensor Ventures a andělských investorů.

  • Clock icon 26. November 2024News

    Update on TCS and certificates

    Please be advised that due to unexpected complications on the part of the TCS vendor, it is imperative that all users reissue their server, personal and robot certificates as soon as possible.

  • Clock icon 20. November 2024News

    The 20th Anniversary Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM) 2024 took place in Prague

    Artificial intelligence and machine learning are spreading among most areas of academic, business, and personal lives of people around the world. Even networks and their security and privacy are not an exception and these topics open new research challenges. Therefore, over 150 researchers from 26 countries met in Prague for the 20th year of the Conference of Network and Service Management to discuss recent scientific breakthroughs and progress.


  • Clock icon 15. November 2024News

    Remembering Alexander Černý

    On Tuesday, 12 November 2024, the long-time member of the CESNET Board of Directors, Alexander Černý, RNDr. Alexander Černý, bursar emeritus of Tomas Bata University in Zlín, passed away. Alexander was a member of our association from the very beginning, during his time at the Brno University of Technology. We thank him for the incredible 28 years he helped us with the development of CESNET, and express our sincere condolences to his family and loved ones.

  • Clock icon 6. November 2024News

    CSNOG 2025: Extension of the deadline for abstract submission to 15 November 2024

    The organizers of CSNOG 2025 have extended the deadline for submitting abstracts for the main conference program. Interested applicants can submit their applications until Friday 15 November 2024. Contributions on network management, but also on legislation and regulation or networking activities of students and teachers are welcome.

We push boundaries...

We explore new frontiers in information and communication technologies, transforming our research into practical, advanced services.

We foster the development and adoption of state-of-the-art technologies for a more connected future.

...and we're here for you:

0+ 450 000+
0+ 120+
PB of data storage
0 41 288
0 28
years of experience

Our services


CESNET – an academic computer network with a range of ICT services.


MetaCentrum – processing big data and demanding tasks.

Data storage

Tools for backing up, archiving and sharing user data.


Robust cybersecurity monitoring and enforcement.


Services for remote study and work, for individuals and teams.


Secure login to CESNET & a portfolio of connected services.

Dashed line


  • Clock icon 5. December 2024

    Vědci z CESNETu publikovali unikátní datovou sadu v časopise Nature Scientific Data

    Výzkumníci z Oddělení nástrojů pro administraci a bezpečnost sdružení CESNET vytvořili a publikovali datovou sadu, která je cenným nástrojem pro pochopení dynamických změn v síťovém provozu. Tato unikátní datová sada představuje zásadní krok v řešení kybernetických hrozeb a svou jedinečností si vysloužila publikaci v prestižním časopise Nature Scientific Data.

  • Clock icon 4. December 2024

    Gratulujeme startupu Dynanic k zisku investice

    Brněnský startup Dynanic (dříve BrnoLogic), který vyrostl z akademického a výzkumného prostředí sdružení CESNET a VUT v Brně, nedávno získal investici 14 milionů korun od pražského fondu Tensor Ventures a andělských investorů.

  • Clock icon 26. November 2024

    Update on TCS and certificates

    Please be advised that due to unexpected complications on the part of the TCS vendor, it is imperative that all users reissue their server, personal and robot certificates as soon as possible.

  • Clock icon 20. November 2024

    The 20th Anniversary Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM) 2024 took place in Prague

    Artificial intelligence and machine learning are spreading among most areas of academic, business, and personal lives of people around the world. Even networks and their security and privacy are not an exception and these topics open new research challenges. Therefore, over 150 researchers from 26 countries met in Prague for the 20th year of the Conference of Network and Service Management to discuss recent scientific breakthroughs and progress.


  • Clock icon 15. November 2024

    Remembering Alexander Černý

    On Tuesday, 12 November 2024, the long-time member of the CESNET Board of Directors, Alexander Černý, RNDr. Alexander Černý, bursar emeritus of Tomas Bata University in Zlín, passed away. Alexander was a member of our association from the very beginning, during his time at the Brno University of Technology. We thank him for the incredible 28 years he helped us with the development of CESNET, and express our sincere condolences to his family and loved ones.

  • Clock icon 6. November 2024

    CSNOG 2025: Extension of the deadline for abstract submission to 15 November 2024

    The organizers of CSNOG 2025 have extended the deadline for submitting abstracts for the main conference program. Interested applicants can submit their applications until Friday 15 November 2024. Contributions on network management, but also on legislation and regulation or networking activities of students and teachers are welcome.


  • Clock icon 30. January 2025 - 31. January 2025

    Forensic Training II.

    The two-day training further develops the basics introduced in the previous training "Forensic Training I."

    The program is in Czech.

  • Clock icon 28. January 2025 - 29. January 2025

    Forensic Training I.

    A hands-on two-day training course that provides an introduction to forensic information technology analysis.

    The program is in Czech.

  • Clock icon 21. January 2025 - 22. January 2025

    CSNOG 2025

    A community meeting of Internet access providers, telecommunications network operators, domain registrars and computer network operators, and technical enthusiasts.

We drive innovation and constantly modernize our network and services. Our research benefits the academic community and advances science across the Czech Republic.

Our projects