The CESNET Association
At CESNET, we deliver cutting-edge information and communication services across the Czech Republic. As an association of top universities and the Czech Academy of Sciences, we manage a high-performance academic network that supports secure access to advanced computing, data storage, and communication tools for all our members.
- Comprehensive portfolio of ICT services
- Research, development, innovation
- Secure IT environment

28 years with you
CESNET Milestones

SAGElab celebrates 10 years.

CESNET also signs a memorandum of cooperation with the House of Lobkowicz.
The upgrade to CESNET3 enables data transfer speeds of up to 400 Gbit/s per channel in the backbone network.

CESNET creates a unique 3D presentation of digital models of textile collection objects in cooperation with the Prague City Museum.
For the first time, CESNET uses a low-latency transmission technology MVTP to facilitate the collaboration of three remote musicians from Prague, Brno, and Zlín during a unique concert by the Silver Band and their guests.
Metacenter's cloud services enhanced with a GUI for users that greatly improves its usability.
CESNET commissions new data storage facilities with capacities of 26.6 PB in Brno and 25.5 PB in Dolní Břežany.

CESNET receives the top domestic scientific award "Česká hlava" in the "Industrie" category.

Mr. Jan Gruntorád is honored with the prestigious "Křišťálová lupa" award for his lifetime contribution to the Czech internet.
CESNET develops an acceleration card for 400Gb networks.
We launch one of the largest data storage facilities in the Czech Republic.
We develop technology to detect vibrations in fibre infrastructure.
CESNET becomes a member of the EOSC association (European Open Science Cloud).

MetaCentrum significantly extends and modernizes its computing infrastructure by 8432 CPU cores.
CESNET becomes a part of the hSOC initiative (Hospital Security Operation Center).
The director of the CESNET Association changes for the first time in history, with Mr. Jakub Papírník taking the lead.

The e-INFRA CZ initiative is successfully launched.

CESNET launches e-INFRA CZ and becomes a member of the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud).
The next generation backbone network is designed.

CESNET begins developing elDAS services for remote electronic signatures.

The eduroam network sees significant growth in secondary and primary schools.

The transition to object storage facilities is underway.
CESNET expands its suite of security services.

The Prague circuit Zikova-BIOCEV (Vestec) – ELI (Dolní Břežany) is commissioned.
CESNET provides penetration and stress tests (FLAB).

A restored version of the film Ikarie XB1 presented – a shared effort with the National Film Archive.

CESNET network connected to the GÉANT infrastructure at 100 Gb/s.
The virtualisation platform is launched.
CESNET rolls out the Mentat system.

The Hadoop cluster for big data is launched.
CESNET experiments with 400Gb/s transmissions.

The COMBO-100G card is introduced.

CESNET joins the FENIX security project.
The ownCloud service launched.
Eduroam is implemented across train stations.
The FLAB forensic laboratory is opened.

The association enters the ELIXIR.CZ infrastructure.
Data storage facilities launched in Brno and Jihlava.
Connection to the LHCONE network for CERN-CZ.

The first data lines get boosted to 100 Gb/s.

The first data storage facility in Plzeň is opened.
MetaCloud – cloud access to MetaCentre is enabled.
Video can now be transmitted in 8K.
FileSender is launched.
The first version of the Warden system is launched.
Metacentrum offers GPU-based computing services.

CESNET begins developing the Mentat and Warden systems.
Optical transmission of time between Prague and Vienna gets realized.
CSIRT.CZ is handed over to CZ.NIC.

CESNET is included in the Czech Large Infrastructure Roadmap.

CSIRT.CZ is declared a national CSIRT team.
CESNET interfaces natively with Google’s IPv6 protocol.
The 40 Gb/s backbone network gets first tests.

MetaCentrum is declared a national grid infrastructure.
The MVTP platform is created.

Adobe Connect web conferencing is up and running.

The federation and the CSIRT.CZ team are established.
First 4K (UHD) video transmissions between Prague, Seattle, Chicago, San Diego, Tokyo, and Amsterdam.

The first spin-off INVEA-TECH a. s. is established.

CESNET, ACOnet (Austria) and SANET (Slovakia) interconnect.

The first public video conference in HD quality in the Czech Republic, and one of the first in the EU.
The UltraGrid technology is introduced.

The network core is upgraded to DWDM with 10 Gb/s channels.
Intercontinental FulIHD video transmission is now possible.

CESNET launches the eduroam network.

The Prague–Brno data line upgraded to 10 Gb/s.
The CESNET-CERTS security team is established.
IPv6 gets deployed in the production environment.

The CESNET CA (certification authority) is now in place.

CESNET begins developing the CzechLight and COMBO devices.

The backbone network's transition to fibre optics is completed.
CESNET connects to the Géant network at 10 Gb/s.
The CESNET2 backbone network runs at 2.5 Gb/s capacity.

Central authentication and authorization systems are created.

The Prague– Brno network line is boosted to 2.5 Gb/s.

CESNET divests its commercial network.
The IP Telephony project is launched.
Work starts on the experimental IPv6 ATM network.

CESNET builds a TEN-155 CZ network with connection to the European TEN-155.

CESNET is a founding member of the CZ.NIC Association, the administrator of the national .cz domain.

Metacentrum is incorporated into CESNET.
The TEN-34 backbone network is launched.

The network's transmission speed is 34 Mbps.

The CESNET Association is established.

The academic network is transferred from CTU (Czech Technical University) to CESNET.
CESNET is a founding member of the association.