
MetaCentrum – processing big data and demanding tasks.


Services for Individuals
Complex calculations and scientific data processing.

Complex calculations and scientific data processing.

GÉANT as central contracting authority, of which CESNET is a member, realized pan-European public contract OCRE – Open Clouds for Research Environments, the subject was the conclusion of framework agreements with the world’s leading providers of cloud IaaS / SaaS services (Infrastructure as and Service / Software as and Service).

GÉANT as central contracting authority, of which CESNET is a member, realized pan-European public contract OCRE – Open Clouds for Research Environments, the subject was the conclusion of framework agreements with the world’s leading providers of cloud IaaS / SaaS services (Infrastructure as and Service / Software as and Service).

Virtual servers

Extra Services
Running virtual servers on a reliable infrastructure.

Running virtual servers on a reliable infrastructure.

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