Network traffic monitoring (FTAS)

The service consists in the provision of information about the transmitted IP traffic (IPv4, IPv6). The primary source of such information is the so called NetFlow exported by means of routers or special probes. Traffic data comprise data extracted from TCP/IP protocol headers and additional data created by the in-house developed FTAS system.

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The basic features

Traffic data do not contain any data from the user section of the transmitted data blocks, thus the privacy of the end users is protected.

The FTAS system is equipped with a comprehensive apparatus for input processing, classification, filtration and storage of logs and their subsequent statistical processing, search and visualisation.

Basic framework options

  • Detailed analysis of IP traffic transmitted by the backbone network based on an ad hoc request (in the extent of basic / paid service)
  • Information about IP traffic transmitted by the backbone network using the user interface of the FTAS system (basic service)
  • Information about IP traffic transmitted by the backbone network by means of the FTAS system installed in the user network on own HW (paid service)
  • Information about IP traffic transmitted by the backbone network using the user interface of the FTAS system within the CESNET e-infrastructure (paid service)
  • Enables the users efficiently mitigate incidents in network communication at their start;
  • Enables to respond to received security notification on time;
  • Helps to handle traffic anomalies;
  • Helps to optimise and strategically plan the development of own infrastructure according to trends and IP traffic structure.

The service is available in particular to administrators and security teams of the participants of the CESNET e-infrastructure, or to research teams and participants of projects which need to monitor, analyse and assess the traffic realised by IP protocol. The service may also be provided to external entities.

The basic access to IP traffic data transmitted by the backbone network (FTAS web interface) is free of any additional charge for the participants. The fee for individual implementation of the service into entity’s environment and for external entities is determined individually.

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