OCRE – Open Clouds for Research

GÉANT as central contracting authority, of which CESNET is a member, realized pan-European public contract OCRE – Open Clouds for Research Environments, the subject was the conclusion of framework agreements with the world’s leading providers of cloud IaaS / SaaS services (Infrastructure as and Service / Software as and Service).

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The basic features

1.6. 2021 OCRE was introduced and suppliers’ solutions were presented, you can see the workshop record below (CZ/EN):


Contact user care department to accede to the framework agreements. Then we will provide you with detailed information on the procedure for acceding to the framework agreements, including the necessary legal documents.

Úspory při používání cloudových služeb
Requires a separate contract
Requires technical knowledge on user side.
  • Easy obtain of services:
    • Direct ordering of services (direct-award) or the possibility of choosing a service according to one’s own needs (mini-tender)
    • Acquisition without a complicated tender, services are competed according to the European Directive No. 2014/24 / EU
  • Time and money save:
    • Institutions that have joined the framework agreements have achieved savings of up to 30%
      • Discounts from the price list of providers
      • Discounts on egress charges
  • Technical integration:
    • Fast and secure direct network peering via CESNET and GÉANT
    • User login through eduID.cz federation using own institutional account
    • Bring Your Own Licence policy
    • Management portals for access control, accounting and billing
  • Legal due-diligence control :
    • GÉANT made careful legal check and specified its own legal conditions (framework agreement)
    • Data processing and storage in accordance with European and national legislation
    • Ability to classify confidential information and specify the processes of their processing
  • AWS – Rackspace
  • CloudFerro
  • CloudSigma
    More info: OCRE_cloudsigma
  • Exoscale – VSHN
    More infoOCRE_VSHN
  • IBM – AppXite
  • Google – Revolgy
    More info: revolgyOCRE-onepager
  • Microsoft Azure – SoftwareONE
  • Open Telecom Cloud – T-Systems
    More info: OCRE_tmobile
  • Oracle – Quistor Enterprises
  • Orange
    More info: OCRE_orange
  • Safespring
  • Setcor

Services based on framework agreements can be used by all organizations connected to the CESNET e-infrastructure – member and non-member organizations with a valid contractual (user) relationship with the CESNET association.

Framework agreements provide discounts from list prices of cloud service providers. Billing mode is pay-per-use, ie according to actual use of services.

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