Books and magazines within reach not only during holidays. Via you can sign up for a pool of 2.6 million books and the PressReader and Bookport services

Clock ikon 1. August 2022

Prague, August 1st, 2022. CESNET, through the service, enables users of the portal personalized access to the services of Czech and Moravian libraries. Users can borrow books both in their home library and in 33 other libraries in the Czech Republic. They have at their disposal a collection of more than 2,672,000 documents.

How does it work? The user searches for the book he wants to borrow on the portal After logging in with his/her home library account via, he/she can reserve or order the desired book on the portal via the Get service if the book is not available in the home library. After ordering, the user will receive a message when the book will be ready for pick up at his/her home library.

But that’s not all, by logging in via, library readers can also access the PressReader and BOOKPORT services. PressReader contains daily newspapers and popular educational magazines. It provides access to the content of thousands of selected magazines and newspapers from all over the world in more than 60 languages. Czech media such as Deník N, Lidové noviny, Mladá fronta Dnes, as well as foreign newspapers such as The Washington Post, Daily Mirror or The Guardian are represented. BOOKPORT contains over 9,000 professional books and fiction mostly in Czech. You can try out access to PressReader and BOOKPORT, for example, as a registered reader of the Municipal Library in Prague –

Cílem federace identit, jejímž je CESNET provozovatelem, je poskytovat svým členům rámec pro vzájemné využívání identit uživatelů při řízení přístupu k síťovým službám při respektování ochrany osobních údajů. Mezi hlavní výhody pro uživatele patří používání jednoho uživatelského jména a hesla pro přístup k více aplikacím. Sdružení CESNET umožňuje zapojení do federace organizacím, které splňují zásady přístupu do infrastruktury CESNET.

The goal of the identity federation, of which CESNET is the operator, is to provide its members with a framework for the mutual use of user identities in managing access to network services while respecting the protection of personal data. The main benefits for users include the use of a single username and password to access multiple applications. The CESNET federation allows organisations that meet the CESNET infrastructure access policy to join the federation.


CESNET was founded in 1996 by universities and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Its aim is to operate and develop ICT services that form the national e-infrastructure for research, development, and education e-INFRA CZ. Research and development in the field of information and communication technologies are also an integral part of its activities. CESNET is an active partner in a number of foreign research infrastructures, such as the pan-European network for research, development, and education GÉANT, the European Grid Infrastructure, and the European Open Science Infrastructure EOSC. More at, www.
