Equal Opportunities (GEP)

Since the beginning of 2022, CESNET has had a Gender Equality Plan to ensure equality between male and female employees and to improve our working environment.

This is not just some pro forma document. For example, the Gender Equality Plan addresses equal conditions and opportunities for all, the appropriate setting of boundaries between work and personal life, and the availability of part-time jobs to care for loved ones.

We listen to our male and female employees' needs and work on solving the problems we find. We are actively working to implement previously identified goals.

For example, our joint efforts have created a children's corner in the Telehouse offices and an anonymous suggestion box.

If you are interested in equality and have other ideas on what to do and how to improve our working environment, don't hesitate to contact us at rovnost@cesnet.cz.

Please take a look at our CESNET Equal and Non-Discriminatory Employee Plan Declaration.